Donate Food
We gladly accept your donations of both non-perishable and perishable food to help stock our pantry!
Our Food Bank Location

Bienvenidos Food Bank
3810 Pecos St. Denver, CO 80211
Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday: 9 am – 12 pm & Thurs: 9 am – noon, 3:00 – 6 pm
We accept all donations here including fresh, frozen food and larger amounts. Please call 303-433-6328 for large donations or if you are leaving refrigerated or frozen foods.
Drive in the alley on the east side and we will help you unload. Please knock or ring the doorbell. Otherwise, you can call 303-433-6328 or email to schedule a drop off time. If you are dropping off food and we aren’t there, please leave a message to let us know that you have left items.
Fresh Food Donations
We welcome your homegrown and fresh donations of fruits and vegetables! However, to keep them fresh for clients, we can only accept them on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to noon. We do close periodically and for most holidays – please check our calendar and/or call ahead to be sure we are open.

General Drop Off Locations

Cherry Bean Coffee
4059 Tejon St. Denver, CO 80211
Hours: Monday – Saturday: 7:00 am – 3:00 pm, Sunday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Please, do not leave fresh/frozen food at this location.

Former Highlands Lutheran Location
3995 Irving St. Denver, CO 80211
Hours: Tuesday – Wednesday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday 8 am to 2 pm
Look for the orange box on the porch. Please, do not leave fresh or frozen food at this location

Tenn Street Coffee & Books
4418 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212
Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, Friday – Saturday: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm
Please, do not leave fresh/frozen food at this location.
Food Donation Guidelines
Just like you, our clients want food they need and like. Give what you and your family would want to receive if you needed food.
Most Needed Items:
- Cooking oil - top item
- Hearty soups (Chunky, Progresso, etc.) Most Needed Now!
- Stews and chili
- Canned chicken and tuna
- Jams, jelly, and honey (plastic bottles preferred)
- Pasta and sauce (jars or large cans)
- Boxed dry meals and sides
- Ensure (or similar adult drinks)
- Canned Beans
- Canned mixed fruit
- Soap (Dial White, Lever 2000, or other neutral scents are best)
- Tampons and pads
- Tampons and pads
- Shampoo (full size, 15 oz. is best)
- Shampoo and soaps for people of color (Carol’s Daughter, Shea Moisture, etc.)
- Toothpaste (full size)
- List Item
- Toothbrushes (1 or 2 packs preferred)
- 1-2 lbs. bags of rice
- Refried beans
- Condiments
- Peanut butter
- Snack bars
- Canned corn
- Grocery bags (plastic or reusable)
Items We Cannot Accept:
- Opened or used food. Boxed items with a sealed bag inside are okay.
- Homemade items or previously prepared foods
- Food past its best-of date, for most items
- Rusted, badly dented, dirty, or damaged cans or containers
- Expired baby food or formula (by law)
- Clothing or household items. Call 211 for agencies that accept those items.