Donate Money
$1 donation = $9 of food
Your financial donation is the most powerful way to help families in need. Through our partnerships with local grocery stores and other food providers, we are able to turn every $1 cash donation into more than $9 worth of food, including fresh meat and produce!
Bienvenidos Food Bank is a program of the Northwest Family Assistance Center, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible (EIN# 74-2543251).

Ways to Donate
We partner with Colorado Gives 365 to accept your online financial donation. Secure online donation via our partner Colorado Gives.
Please mail your donation to:
Bienvenidos Food Bank
PO Box 11948
Denver, CO 80211
You can make a donation with your Colorado Tax return by writing in Bienvenidos Food Bank and our ReFund #: 20083005420
Instructions for using the ReFund Colorado tax Program:
- Use the Voluntary Contributions Schedule on your Colorado tax form.
- On Line 19 “Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund add the amount you would like to donate from your tax refund.
- Enter our 11-digit Secretary of State number: 20083005420 in the line below.
- Enter Bienvenidos Food Bank in the “Enter the Name of the Registered Charitable Organization” section.
If using a tax preparer, provide the above information when you share your tax documents.
If you are part of a workplace giving program, please consider Bienvenidos as a charity of choice.